Bird control systems
Bird control for your home, business, storage facility, restaurant, hotel, or any area or installation where it may be needed.
The presence of certain birds represents a source of contamination that is highly harmful for human beings, not only for your health but also for your property.
As is well known bird excrement is harmful to structures and monuments around the world.
Bird nests and waste (excrement, eggs, feathers, cadavers, etc.) are a rich source for the procreation and proliferation of all types of virus, bacteria and insects like fleas, mites, bedbugs, cockroaches, lice, tics, etc. .
Bird nests and waste are a source of over 50 diseases (some deadly) like pulmonary fibrosis, salmonellosis, parasites, avian tuberculosis, and encephalitis among many others.
In our company we have personnel that is trained to control birds with mechanical, chemical and biological techniques that deter birds without causing them any harm. All of our methods are 100% ecological and comply with environmental norms.
Allow us the opportunity to offer you an obligation free estimate, it will be a pleasure to serve you.
Plague control systems
A plague is considered a situation within which an animal produces damages to materials, normally physical damage, that has economic repercussions. Damages to health, materials, domestic animals or
Tecno Control de Plagas is a professional, specialized, and trustworthy company that is dedicated to the control and prevention of plagues.
We provide service to all types of instalation: hospitals, schools, hotels, restaurants, private residences, industry, comerce, warehouses, transportation, navigation vesels, etc. Our work begins by analyzing the particular problem at hand or preventing possible plagues that exist within the region inorder to best respond with the highest quality products and technology and provide a solution for each particular case.
Our objective is client satisfaction. We are a company that is composed of highly qualified and honest personnel, with a high level of commitment to our clients. Our service is efficient and effective since we use methods that are adecuated specifically to our client´s problem.
- Scorpion
- Cockroach
- Termite
- Ant
- Tick
- Fleas
- Bedbugs
- Silverfish
- Woodbugs
- Cats
- Etc.
We offer equipment for aplication, plaguicides and everything that is indespensable for the adequate control of plagues.
Our work consists in:
1.- Inspection of the areas that require treatment so as to identify the type of plague and the grade of infestation
2.-Recommendations as to what must take place within the company or home, before, during and after our service.
3.-Scheduling of each service for each area.
4.-Instalation of traps for rodents, with a map of where each is located.
5.-Reports regarding any naucive fauna that is found.
6.-Information: the client will receive information regarding products that are used. This includes an information sheet that details security, technical information and registration with COFEPRIS.
7.-Certificate of plague control: the client will receive the corresponding certificate with the current license validity from Secretaria de Salud.
We are located in Los Cabos, our proposals have no cost, we are at your disposal.
Termite Control
Termites are insects that have the ability to decompose cellulose which is the substance that they are able digest and is found in wood.
In Mexico there are 60 species, within 20 genres that are grouped in 4 families.
Reproduction of termites is via a queen, that is able to produce 10,000 eggs per day, this means that there is production of more that 3, 000,000 eggs per year and if we consider that they can live up to a decade, then one queen can produce over 30 million eggs during her reproductive life, which is why it is important to control this plague.
Termites live underground and the damage that they can produce to your belongings and patrimony depends on the size of the colony and the time that you take to seek help and put a solution to the problem. Underground, termites construct ramified tunnels via which they seek out cellulose (wood) and they do not stop until they find a food source.
Tecno Control de Plagas counts with systems for prevention (pre-construction) and control systems for termites (post-construction). ASK FOR A FREE PROPOSAL, WE ARE AT YOUR SERVICE.
Flying insect control systems
Mosquitoes, flies, and other flying insects are more that just a bother, they are a health risk for your family, guests and clients.
Bug DeFence is the most advanced system for control of mosquitoes and other flying insects creating a fine prolonged action nebulization.
Now you are able to enjoy the exterior of your home without any bothers or worries.
Bug DeFence is equipment that is totally automatic and programmable. It has a capacity of up to 500 aspersions per day and it is also possible to activate it via remote control. They aspersion is created via high efficiency anti-drip nozzles that generate a droplet that is inferior to 20 micras.
Operating capacity: there is a pump that generates a pressure of +220 PSi and supplies up to 100 nozzles which are spaced every 4 meters aproximately. This translates into a protected area of +500 lineal meters and each nozzle protects an area of approximately 4 square meters.
We provide mantenance which includes replacement pieces, support, and personalized service as well as cleaning and refilling the system.
The computerized system injects liquid at a high pressure threw high efficiency nozzles which have been previously installed in points that require the greatest protection. This creates a fine nebulization which is long acting and eliminates or repels mosquitoes and other flying insects. The system functions automatically, following a pre-programmed schedule according to insect activity and client needs.
It is a system that must be installed and maintained by qualified personnel such as Tecno Control de Plagas, who have been trained to provied the best service and installation for the equipment.
Aside from providing effective flying insect control, our installation is esthetic, discreet and in harmony with its environment.